Yenkong Nganjoh Hodu
Of Counsel
Yenkong Nganjoh Hodu
  • LL.D (Higher doctorate of Law), University of Helsinki
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany
  • LL.Lic/Dr. iur with focus on WTO law and its dispute settlement, University of Helsinki
  • Visiting Research Fellow, World Trade Institute (WTI), Bern, Switzerland
  • LL.M (Specialization in Contract and Commercial Law), University of Helsinki
  • LL.B (Hons), University of Yaounde 11 Soa
  • English
  • French
  • Finnish
  • Papiagkum

Professor Hodu is a Barrister and Solicitor and is called to the Supreme Court of Cameroon. In 2013, he was nominated to the WTO Appellate Body by the government of Cameroon. Professor Hodu provided consultancy services to African governments seeking to enter into RTAs with other WTO Members and to related stakeholders on Sino-African trade and investment relations. He is regularly consulted by many governments, regional organisations and United Nations Agencies on international trade and investment law.

Professor Hodu is a member of numerous professional and academics organisations. He is a member of the International Law Association (Committee on International Trade Law), Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law’s Research Group, European Law and Economics Association (ELEA) etc. Professor Hodu has been teaching international trade and investment law in universities of Uppsala (Sweden) and Manchester.

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