Fortior held a seminar at Black Sea Grain-2021

Fortior held a seminar at Black Sea Grain-2021

On Thursday, 20 May 2021, Fortior held a seminar entitled “Gentleman’s set for solving Gafta disputes” during the 18th International Conference Black Sea Grain-2021, held in Kyiv, Ukraine. It is one of the largest grain fora and an annual meeting place of the world's agribusiness leaders, which this year gathered over 800 delegates from nearly 50 countries.

During the seminar, our lawyers shared their experience and relevant arbitral cases and court authorities on complex and wide-ranging issues that traders are frequently faced with.

Danil Hristich, Senior Associate and the Head of the Ukrainian Office, touched on contractual obligations relating to instalment deliveries, whether contractual penalty clauses are valid under English law, and finally, whether a broker may claim commission under a trading contract. 

Sam Thompson, Senior Associate, addressed instruments to secure payment of a debt following arbitration or court proceedings (injunctions and freezing orders) as well as the consequences of contempt of Court and the pressure these remedies exert on a debtor to pay its debts.    

Giles J. Xuereb, Of Counsel, focused on the most common chartering issues such as shortage claims, the meaning and implications of a ‘before breaking bulk’ (BBB) clause, and whether a shipowner may recover losses other than demurrage in circumstances where the only breach of contract is the charterer’s exceeding of the agreed laytime.

Fortior is grateful to the participants for their attendance at and interest in the event and for their insightful questions. We are pleased that their feedback was that the seminar was informative and useful for them. You can find out more about Fortior’s future events on our LinkedIn and Facebook pages.

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