Gafta and FOSFA Arbitration

Our team has extensive experience in dispute resolution under GAFTA and FOSFA contracts, and cases led by our team are regularly mentioned by The Legal500 and other legal rankings. We take specialised training (including Gafta Distance Learning Programme), have deep understanding of the main pro formas and commercial reality behind contracts.

We advise on contentious issues which arise between traders and their counterparties, owners, terminals, freightforwarders, surveyors and port authorities. We also represent clients in GAFTA arbitrations, in particular, under Rules No 125 and 126, and also under the FOSFA Arbitration Rules.

Dmitry Zagorodnyuk
Team members
Advising on contractual terms
Late payment of contractual price
Late delivery or non-delivery of goods
Condition, quality, and quantity of goods
Late vessel nomination and presentation
Extension of delivery period
Demurrage, despatch and vessel detention
Container detention and demurrage
Force-majeure (prevention of delivery)
Preparation of notices of arbitration
Appointment of arbitrators and establishment of the tribunal
Anti-suit injunctions preventing a counterparty from pursuing court proceedings
Freezing injunctions (worldwide freezing order) in support of GAFTA and FOSFA arbitration
Preparation of claim submissions, replies, rejoinder submissions, expert and witness evidence, management of the process
Participation in arbitral hearings
Appeals and challenges to awards
Enforcement of arbitral awards
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